Something I learned about Global Send Keys (Blue Prism)

This is about Global Send Keys in Blue Prism.

I was developing a process using an UAT app for 1 month. Everything looked fine until I started a test with the production version.

I had to re-spay some parts. The most challenging part was how to deal with the slowness in a particular field. Unfortunately the field needed to use global send keys which means the timing to send a keyword to the application is very important. I tried tons of thing but nothing worked from the Control Room.

After spending 2-full-day for this issue, I’ve reached out to the application owner. I honestly didn’t expect anything positive but wanted to double check if there was other spot to update the value in the field. The answer was No as I expected.

But, she gave me a very helpful advice and it worked after I applied it to my process!

The advice is to send the keyword letter by letter.

Everything is simple after you know the solution.

Author: Misa

Cat lover/ Japanese/ RPA/ CoffeeThanTea/ Canada/ Toronto/ WFH/ AndroidThaniPhone/ FoodLover

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