Kitty is growing so fast

Kewpie is almost 6 months old.

She was sprayed 3 weeks ago.

She didn’t wear a cone or a post surgery suit even once. I tried 100 times to put them on her. Nothing worked.

I love to know how other pet owners put a cone or a post surgery suit on  their pets who move swiftly.

I ended up checking on her constantly. She was fine and started running crazy and eating well again next day of the surgery.

The cut part looks clean and her belly is covered with soft hair again now.

Yesterday, I found three her baby teeth on the floor!

It’s rare to find cat’s baby teeth like this as they often swallow them.

I’m going to keep them forever, for sure.

It’s nice to see my kitty growing well ♡

It was a fantastic idea to welcome her to our family.

For pet owners, seeing their pets snuggle together always put a smile on their faces.

Another love to our family

We were planning and looking for a new member to our family

And, finally we have adopted a kitten!!

Hi, I’m Kewpie (QP). 12 weeks a girl.

She is so adorable but still very nervous and shy as today’s her first day in our house.

Hopefully she will get used to the new environment soon 🙂

I am doing my best to control myself not going to her room too frequent as she needs her time.

Ben is doing good job so far. He has shown some interests to her over the door but not in aggressive way. Hopefully they will get along well too!

Inaba Churu – Japanese #1 cat treat

Inaba Churu is definitely the #1 popular cat’s treat in Japan.

Inaba Churu

It’s a lickable puree treat and made of real tuna and chicken.

The smell is good as food even for humans. When I grab one of them Ben starts meowing and tries to touch it asking me hurry up! As you see him in the first photo above his tongue was already out even before I opened the Churu lol

He is a picky cat like usual cats about food and other stuff. When we changed his regular food to healthier one, it took a while for him to get used to it. I give him other healthy dried treats but he does not eat them at all.

Cats always check the smell of food before they eat it. I believe Churu smells sooooo good for cats!

My husband calls it cat’s weed

I don’t recommend to feed your cat Churu every day as your cat will stop eating his/her regular food.

Ben gets to eat one of Churu once a week or as a reward of doing something he doesn’t like. For example, after shampoo or vet.

Ben is still young and healthy so that any medicines are not required currently. However this product would be helpful to give him a medicine mixing with it.

I recommend anybody who is looking for cat’s treat to give a try with Churu. You cat will fall in love with it by 99.99% chance.

Something I learned about Global Send Keys (Blue Prism)

This is about Global Send Keys in Blue Prism.

I was developing a process using an UAT app for 1 month. Everything looked fine until I started a test with the production version.

I had to re-spay some parts. The most challenging part was how to deal with the slowness in a particular field. Unfortunately the field needed to use global send keys which means the timing to send a keyword to the application is very important. I tried tons of thing but nothing worked from the Control Room.

After spending 2-full-day for this issue, I’ve reached out to the application owner. I honestly didn’t expect anything positive but wanted to double check if there was other spot to update the value in the field. The answer was No as I expected.

But, she gave me a very helpful advice and it worked after I applied it to my process!

The advice is to send the keyword letter by letter.

Everything is simple after you know the solution.

WFH and Eyes

Who knew that this lockdown would continue this long in March?

I am very fortunate that I have a capability to work from home during this unusual situation. To be honest with you, I do like WFH because I don’t have to wake up early in the morning and no more 3-hour-traveling by public transportation!!

I tend to work late staring at my computer screen for 12 hours. My eyes get very dried and tired at the end of each day. I was in need to relax my eyes and found this product:

Aroma Season Moist heated Eye Mask with Flaxseed

This is AMAZING!! I should have bought this item long time ago. It can be easily powered by PC USB port and heats up very fast and hot enough. (There are 3-class heat temperature settings). I actually use this for my neck/shoulders too. After it is applied to the area, it feels less tight. I highly recommend this eye mask to anyone who has the same issue as me.